Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sick coughing babies

It's been a loooong weekend.  Noah came home Friday with a temp of 101.  We took him to urgent care on Saturday morning.  He had an ear infection in one ear and drainage in the other.  His lungs are also full of gunk.  He's now on steroids and antibiotics along with breathing treatments.  YUCK!  He's been very clingy this weekend, understandably.  He hung out with mom while daddy and brother headed to church Sunday morning.  He was NOT happy about being left at home.  He's really been a trooper with all the medicines he has to take.  We thought it was getting better, but Monday morning about 2:30am he spiked a fever of 104.  Talk about a frantic mom!  We had a bath and alternated Motrin and Tylenol and finally got it down to 100.  I told Chris I never thought I'd be glad to see a 100 on the thermometer.  He seems better today with no fever.  He is just really congested and hates the breathing treatments.  Nathan is taking it all in stride.  When we went to urgent care he kept asking "Is my brother gonna be alright?"   They are both ornery but they do love each other.  Needless to say, I got about 10 hours sleep in 3 days.  It was not all together, but broken up in 1 to 2 hour segments.  I know all the moms out there know what I'm talking about.  You just keep waking up to see if they are alright.  It's not really restful.  I can report that he slept most of the night last night and I actually got a little rest.  Whew! 
Through all of this, Chris has really been great.  He's cooked and helped with medications.  He and Nathan are becoming best buds.  Nathan got to choose one person to invite to a Valentine's Day Tea at preschool.  When we asked him who he was taking, he looked at Chris and said "I'm taking you Dad...you're my best friend."  Have you ever seen someone's chest actually puff up.  He was so honored not only that he got to go to the party, but he was his son's best friend.  I think there are not many dad's that wouldn't be touched by that.  I just about teared up at the dinner table. 
My mom lives in NE Oklahoma.  They are at the center of this blizzard.  I've been sitting here watching the snow because I love it.  I'm a little worried that they are going to be buried before this is finished.  I told my family to get in and stay in.  Of course they do everything I tell them....right. :o)
I can't believe it, but our trash guys actually came today.  They are awesome!  I have a great appreciation for anyone working outside in this weather.  So to all the wonderful mailmen, police officers, and road crews, along with the santitation people, I say thanks with all my heart.  You rock!

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